Easy Peasy Rustic Pentol Ayam-Udang.
You can have Easy Peasy Rustic Pentol Ayam-Udang using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Easy Peasy Rustic Pentol Ayam-Udang
- Prepare of Bahan pentol.
- Prepare of ayam giling.
- It's of udang giling.
- It's of bawang putih, parut.
- It's of kubis, iris halus, remas dengan garam, peras.
- You need of sagu.
- You need of garam.
- You need of gula.
- It's of merica.
- Prepare of minyak wijen.
- It's of minyak ikan.
- It's of telur.
- You need of Cocolan.
- It's of Saos tomat.
- It's of Saos sambal.
- It's of Kecap manis.
Easy Peasy Rustic Pentol Ayam-Udang instructions
- Didihkan sepanci air. Sementara itu, buat adonan pentol..
- Campur semua bahan adonan pentol..
- Ambil sekitar 1 sdt adonan pentol. Masukkan dalam air mendidih. Tunggu hingga mengapung. Angkat dan tiriskan..
- Sajikan bersama cocolan..
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