Recipe: Tasty Nasi Males

Nasi Males.

Nasi Males You can cook Nasi Males using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nasi Males

  1. Prepare of nasi dingin, kukus, diamkan.
  2. Prepare of bw.bombay.
  3. You need of telur, kocok.
  4. Prepare of GGL (garam,gula,lada).
  5. Prepare of Kecap asin.
  6. You need of Kecap inggris.
  7. Prepare of Saus tiram.
  8. Prepare of Kaldu jamur.
  9. Prepare of Sayur.

Nasi Males step by step

  1. Tumis bw.bombay dengan mentega.
  2. Masukkan nasi. Tuang telur kocok, aduk rata.
  3. Masukkan bumbu dan sayur. Tes rasa. Sajikan hangat.

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