How to Prepare Tasty Avocado Beef Burger

Avocado Beef Burger. We love avocados and I was experimenting one day and came up with this recipe. Add ground beef to the mixture and combine well. This recipe give you a burger patty that's slightly pink inside, which is the way I like.

Avocado Beef Burger Indulge in our Avocado beef burger, garnished with Monterey slices and smoky chipotle dressing. Served with paprika-sprinkled sweet potatoes, it's comfort food at it's best! Topping this burger with avocado adds creaminess, and since it's packed with monounsaturated fat, it can help lower cholesterol, reduce risk of heart disease and keep blood glucose in check. You can cook Avocado Beef Burger using 27 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Avocado Beef Burger

  1. You need of Bahan patty:.
  2. Prepare of daging sapi cincang.
  3. You need of b.bombay cincang halus.
  4. It's of b.putih cincang halus.
  5. Prepare of oregano.
  6. Prepare of basil bubuk.
  7. It's of ground blackpepper.
  8. Prepare of parsley bubuk.
  9. You need of paprika bubuk.
  10. You need of kaldu bubuk.
  11. You need of Garam.
  12. It's of Olive oil utk memasak patty.
  13. Prepare of Bahan saus avocado:.
  14. It's of avocado, ambil daging buahnya.
  15. It's of daun bawang, iris halus.
  16. You need of tomat, cincang kasar.
  17. It's of air jeruk nipis.
  18. You need of ground blackpepper.
  19. You need of Garam.
  20. It's of Pelengkap:.
  21. You need of roti burger.
  22. You need of Butter/margarin.
  23. Prepare of Selada/lettuce.
  24. Prepare of Keju cheddar.
  25. It's of Saus sambal + mayonaise, aduk jadi satu.
  26. You need of Bawang bombay, iris seperti ring.
  27. Prepare of Timun/pickled.

Smoked Bacon, Applewood smoked cheddar,& Avocado Beef Burger, Smoked Paprika Mayonnaise, Pickles, Red cabbage slaw, Served with Skinny fries. Layer the tomato, the bacon, and the avocado. Add mayonnaise to the top half of the bun, place it on top, and serve! Inspired by Jamaican chicken, this recipe is a fun interpretation using jerk onions as a tasty condiment with healthy beef burger patties.

Avocado Beef Burger instructions

  1. Cara membuat patty: Campurkan semua bahan, kecuali olive oil. Aduk rata, lalu bagi 2 adonan, pipihkan tiap bagian hingga berukuran sama dengan roti, sisihkan..
  2. Panaskan olive oil dalam wajan anti lengket. Masak beef patty hingga matang (± 2 menit tiap sisinya). Angkat, sisihkan..
  3. Cara membuat saus avocado: Hancurkan daging buah alpukat dgn garpu, tambahkan semua bahan saus nya. Aduk rata, sisihkan..
  4. Penyajian nya: Belah 2 roti burger, oles margarin tiap sisi roti, panggang roti di wajan sampai kuning kecoklatan, lalu angkat..
  5. Ambil roti bagian bawah, oles dgn saus avocado, lalu susun beef patty, saus sambal dan mayonaise, timun, keju slice, slada, beri saus lagi, bawang bombay dan tutup dengan roti bagian atas. Sajikan..

Serve with a lovely avocado and green bean salad for a healthy meal. These paleo spinach avocado chicken burgers are the ultimate healthy burger. These chicken burgers are perfect for when you're craving something other than a beef burger and want some. Turkey + brie + avocado burger. by: modest marce. sear the burger on each side and brush with barbecue sauce. when the burger is cooked throughout, top with brie until it begins to melt. The Best Beef Burger Marinade Recipes on Yummly

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