Chicken Karage Simple. Karaage (Japanese fried chicken) is easily one of the greatest fried chickens in the world. Learn the simple techniques and fry up some glorious chicken at home today. Hi gaes makasih banyak buat yan udah nonton video-videoku.
The end results are juicy and crispy chicken that tastes just like. With juicy marinated chicken coated in an ultra-crisp shell, Karaage (から揚げ) is a staple of Japanese home-cooking and one of the most popular items to pack into a bento box lunch in Japan. Karaage (唐揚げ 空揚げ or から揚げ, [kaɾaːɡe]) is a Japanese cooking technique in which various foods—most often chicken, but also other meat and fish—are deep fried in oil. You can cook Chicken Karage Simple using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Chicken Karage Simple
- Prepare of ayam.
- Prepare of bombai.
- Prepare of daun bawang.
- Prepare of garam.
- You need of merica.
- It's of gula.
- Prepare of air.
- Prepare of lombok cabai rawit.
- It's of Tepung bumbu sajiku.
- You need of merica.
- It's of gula merah.
- Prepare of bawang putih.
The process involves lightly coating small pieces of the meat or fish with flour, or potato or corn starch, and frying in a light oil. In a large bowl, combine the chicken, sake, sugar, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. Add the egg and potato starch to the chicken. This is my absolute favorite way to make, and eat, fried chicken.
Chicken Karage Simple instructions
- Potong ayam kecil-kecil. Sisihkan.
- Masukkan tepung bumbu ke mangkok lalu tambahkan air, lalu masukkan ayam yang sudah dipotong kecil"tadi. Kemudian, ambil mangkok lagi untuk tepung keringnya, lalu gulingkan ayam dari tepung basah ke tepung kering. Tekan" dan goreng di wajan dengan minyak sedang.
- Setelah ayam sudah slsai, sisihkan..
- Ulek lombok dan garam juga bawang putih, sisihkan.
- Potong daun bawang dan bombai dan gula merah. Sisihkan.
- Lalu ambil wajan baru, masukk kan minyak sedikit dan tumis bawang bombai, daun bawang dan gula merah serta hasil ulekan tadi..
- Setelah wangi masukkan air secukupnya, lalu tambahkan gula dan garam juga merica. Aduk-aduk tes rasa. Setelah itu, masukkan sedikit tepung basah agar terlihat kental dan tidak encer. Aduk-aduk lalu tes rasa, kemudian masukkan ayam nya, aduk-aduk lalu hidangkan.
Unlike other types of fried chicken, karaage never leaves me feeling greasy and slightly gross afterwards. A few simple ingredients create a rich. Download Chicken karage stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Resep Chili Oil, Cara membuat Minyak Cabe - How To Make easy simple Chili Oil Resep dan cara gampang membuat Resep dan Cara Membuat CHICKEN KARAGE, ayam goreng ala Jepang. Tips Cara Membuat Resep Chicken Karage, Ayam Goreng Tepung Jepang Yang Mudah, Enak dan Lezat.
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