Recipe: Appetizing Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc

Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc.

Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc You can have Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc

  1. You need of Telur.
  2. You need of wortel ukuran kecil potong panjang.
  3. You need of mentimun kecil potong panjang.
  4. It's of buncis potong panjang.
  5. Prepare of saos cabe.
  6. You need of saos tomat.

Telur Buncis Wortel Saos abc instructions

  1. Rebus telur. Rebus juga sayuran..
  2. Ambil piring masukkan telur yg sdah direbus dan dikupas..
  3. Masukkan sayuran yg sudah direbus juga..
  4. Jangan lupa mentimunnya..
  5. Terakhir tambahkan saos cabe dan saos tomat. Makanan sehat siap buat sarapan.

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