Recipe: Delicious Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ

Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ.

Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ You can have Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ

  1. It's of Kentang.
  2. It's of Kacang tanah kupas.
  3. Prepare of Daun jeruk.
  4. You need of cabe merah keriting.
  5. Prepare of gula merah.
  6. It's of gula pasir.
  7. Prepare of lengkuas.
  8. You need of sereh.
  9. You need of bwg pth.
  10. Prepare of Garam sckpny.
  11. You need of Msg sckpnya.
  12. You need of Minyak goreng.
  13. You need of Air.

Kering Kentang pedas manis πŸ‘Œ instructions

  1. Kupas Kentang,lalu di potong/parut stik,terus direndam Air & garam sekitar 1jam.
  2. Kemudian Goreng kacang,tiriskan. Dan goreng Kentang td smpe kering dgn minyak yg cukup byk...dan tiriskan.
  3. Selanjutnya iris2 cabe,daun jrk,bwg dan geprek lengkus n sereh.
  4. Lalu tumis smua bumbu di step 3 smpe harum,dan tambahkan air n gulanya,sampe mjd karamel yaa πŸ˜ƒ.
  5. Terakhir kecilkan api kompor dan masukan kacang goreng n kentang goreng...aduk pelan2 sampe rata,tmbh garam n msg...dan siap bwt lauk πŸ˜‰.

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